Icelandic Plural

Icelandic plurals play an essential role in the grammar of the Icelandic language, as they indicate when there is more than one referent in the real world. In comparison to English, where singular and plural are the only grammatical numbers and formed by simply adding an ‘s’ to the singular noun, Icelandic plurals involve more intricate rules and variations.

One of the distinct features of Icelandic plurals is the existence of three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Moreover, Icelandic nouns can be declined, with four different cases: nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive. This declension system allows for a richer expression of meaning in the language, as the endings of the nouns convey information about their role in the sentence structure.

Although Icelandic grammar may seem complex, especially for English speakers, it is worth noting that the language is primarily lexical rather than heavily reliant on grammatical structures. Learning the nuances of Icelandic plurals is essential for anyone interested in mastering this fascinating language and gaining a deeper understanding of its rich linguistic traditions.

Icelandic Plural Basics

The Icelandic language has its own set of rules when forming plural nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. This section will provide an overview of some of the basics to help you get started with Icelandic plurals.

Plural Nouns

In Icelandic, plural nouns are formed differently for each grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and can be further classified into strong and weak nouns. For example, the plural forms of the nouns “bók” (book), “stóll” (chair), and “hurð” (door) are “bækur”, “stólar”, and “hurðir” respectively.

It’s also important to learn how to use Icelandic plural nouns with the definite article. Nouns with their corresponding definite articles include “bækurnar” (the books), “stólarnir” (the chairs), and “hurðirnar” (the doors).

Plural Pronouns

Icelandic plurals also apply to pronouns. Modern Icelandic plural forms of pronouns, such as “við” (we) and “þið” (you all), were once the dual number form. The old plurals “vér” and “þér” are now used only in formal speech. Reflexive pronouns function similarly to German “sich”, with the nominative case being non-existent in Icelandic.

Plural Adjectives

When using adjectives in the plural form, it is necessary to follow certain declension patterns based on the adjective’s gender and the noun it is modifying. Just like with nouns, Icelandic adjectives can be strong or weak.

For example, the adjective “góður” (good) in the nominative form for the different genders may look like the following when used with plural nouns:

  • Masculine: “góðir”
  • Feminine: “góðar”
  • Neuter: “góð”

Overall, understanding Icelandic plurals requires familiarity with grammatical gender, declension patterns, and proper article usage. By practicing with different nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, you will gradually become more comfortable with Icelandic plural forms.

Icelandic Plural Formation

Icelandic plurals can be formed in a variety of ways, depending on the gender and declension class of the noun. The Icelandic language has three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nouns can have either a strong or a weak declension, with the latter being simpler than the former.

Regular Plurals

Regular plurals in Icelandic are typically formed by adding an appropriate suffix to the base form of the noun. Some common plural suffixes include -ar, -ir, -ur, and -ðir. The correct ending is determined by the gender and declension class of the noun. For instance, masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns usually take the endings -ir, -ar, and -ur, respectively.

Here are a few examples of regular plurals:

  • Bók (book) becomes bækur
  • Stóll (chair) becomes stólar
  • Hurð (door) becomes hurðir

Irregular Plurals

Irregular plurals in Icelandic do not follow a single pattern and must be memorized individually. In some cases, the base form of the noun may change, while in others, an entirely different word is used to represent the plural form.

Examples of irregular plurals:

  • Fótur (foot) becomes fætur
  • Maður (man) becomes menn
  • Ax (axe) becomes øx

While it can be challenging to learn all the intricacies of Icelandic plural formation, familiarizing oneself with the patterns and exceptions is essential for achieving fluency in the language.

Declension of Icelandic Plurals

Icelandic plurals follow a complex system of declension, with nouns belonging to three main classes: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Each class has its own set of endings for plural forms. Additionally, nouns can be inflected for four cases: nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive.

You can find examples for declensions on Wikipedia.

Common Mistakes and Exceptions

In learning Icelandic plurals, some common mistakes and exceptions can arise. This section aims to address these challenges, providing clarity for learners of the Icelandic language.

A big challenge is the irregular nature of some Icelandic plurals. Here are some examples:

  • Some masculine nouns in the nominative singular have an -ur ending, which is replaced by -ir in the nominative plural.
  • Some feminine nouns in the nominative singular have an -a ending or no ending, which is replaced by -ur in the nominative plural.
  • Some neuter nouns in the nominative singular have no ending or an -i ending, which changes to -u or -ni in the nominative plural.

Understanding each noun’s gender and case is crucial for correctly forming its plural forms. The four cases in Icelandic are nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive. Incorrectly identified cases may lead to mistakes in pluralization.

It’s essential to be aware of these common mistakes and exceptions when learning Icelandic plurals. With consistent practice and attention to details, learners can master this aspect of the Icelandic language.

Resources for Learning Icelandic Plurals

Learning the Icelandic language may be challenging, but resources are available to help you with plural forms and other grammatical aspects. The following are some resources you may find useful in your journey to understand and master Icelandic plurals. offers information on Icelandic plural forms and how they differ from English. This website provides a brief explanation of Icelandic grammar, including gender, numbers, and the formation of plural nouns.

For those looking for a more structured approach, the Icelandic Level 1 plus course from UCL Centre for Languages & International Education may be an excellent choice. This course covers practical everyday matters in Icelandic, and students will learn different aspects of the language, including pronunciation, plurals, and other grammatical components.

Lastly, offers a beginner’s guide to learning Icelandic. The website includes resources such as grammar breakdowns, textbooks, dictionaries, vocabulary builders, and word games. is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn Icelandic grammar and plural forms.

Utilizing these resources can significantly improve your understanding of Icelandic plurals, aiding you in mastering this unique and beautiful language. Remember, practice makes perfect, so focus on regular engagement with these resources to improve your skills.
